Tukuihotanga – Living Through History

  • Terms 1-4
  • By negotiation
  • National Army Museum OR E-Learning Outreach
  • 60 - 90 minutes
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This programme is for the following year groups: Years 4-6, Years 7-8, Years 9-10.

History isn’t something that happens to someone else. Right now, you are living through an extraordinary event that is changing the New Zealand way of life: the Covid-19 pandemic. Future students might look back on this time and ask: how did that feel? How did they make it through?

We can ask the same questions about other generations of Kiwis who lived through extraordinary times.

Check out our planners listed here under Programme Resources to investigate other times when New Zealanders have been at risk. 

We have a couple of resources available for loan to take the lesson further into the classroom: Learn a little more about the equipment of the day by looking at and handling the contents of our World War I Handling Collection and our World War II Handling Collection, or unpack Grandpa’s Suitcase and look at what items may have returned home from war.